Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dewby Or Not Dewby?

I feel I must reply to the Triple S rating of the movie Pineapple Express as posted by Austin. I feel the movie did not display the greatest acting, or special effects, or one liners, and did seem to revolve around dewby more than necessary in order to keep the audience interested. I did feel which can not be overlooked in my opinion was the notion that a particular kind of dewby can be distinguished from another. As the plot develops around the idea that the killers are able to discern the type of dewby left behind and thereby determine it origins and thus have a place to begin their search. While this may seem like a leap in order to base a movie / plot around this idea, I do find it interesting. The idea that a certain person may have a monopoly on a certain dewby, and that if that person was exposed to the same dewby, from another source, that one could infer that that dewby was either stolen, or somehow was able to obtain said dewby from another avenue. Then when confronted about said dewby, lies had to be born in order to protect the fact that a certain person also was privy to dewby origins and therefore was in fact originating their own dewby....while this is a free market...I can only fault on one level. It would be a mistake to think that you could convince one that the dewby you hold in front of them is their own dewby and not the dewby that they you have originated. This idea I think was what I found interesting about the movie, that dewby is unique, and to lump it all together as general "dewby" is truly a mistake.

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