Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do Your Children Have Friends? Maybe They Shouldn't.

Teens Who Frequently Go Out With Friends More Likely To Use Marijuana. Probably Because It's Fun.

I came across this article and found it interesting. It brought up some very good points that I thought I should share. I have included a brief paragraph.

“Cannabis [marijuana] use among young people is a serious public health concern," the authors write as background information in the article. Recent evidence links marijuana use to motor vehicle accidents, injuries, inflammatory and cancerous changes in the airways and mental health problems, including depression. Long-term detrimental effects include poor academic performance and failure to complete schooling, impeding development and hampering future career opportunities.”
What I find more interesting is that the study ignores factors such as if you are a loser, if you are a lemming, etc. I think these factors play a much larger role in determining “impeding development or future career opportunities.” The article then goes on to say that limiting teen’s access to interact with peers and go socialize could lead to “unintended consequences.” Like what….impeding development, depression. Not to mention that the countries that experienced a decline in dewby use over the years are countries that have decriminalized…..Go Figure.

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